tekst Suzanne Katier

Who are you?

Wishing to walk a pilgrimage trek

High-up, in the Himalayas I went

I see waterfalls and feel the fresh spatters on my skin

The deep valleys frighten me, the risk I can slip in

Then I connect myself with the valleys deep below

Then, fear has gone, “I feel my feet” on the Mountainroad.

Taking a rest at the side of the road

An Indian woman silent passes me by

The soft-browny dress like water it moves

Along her sensitive body it seems

Carrying a bushload upon her head

She is walking with dignity till the end.

Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Woman on my path?

You touch me. You thrill me. What Happens?

See you only from behind.

I save this encounter, in my heart

Once I open it’s door with my mind

You’ll be there, and both, we will know:

“You are part of my life.”

On my path I found there’s no shelter forever

Still we all are longing for a home

You bring your bushload warmth to someone you know

I try to protect my inner flame on my own

We are no longer strangers on this silent road

The echo of your footsteps, forever, I’ll know.

Who are you? Who are you? Who are you?

Woman on my path?

(Geschreven en gecomponeerd door Suzanne Katier, gezongen tijdens de poëziemiddag 'Wie jij was, wie ik ben', december 2014)